Covid carelessness should have consequences

Published Mar 27, 2021


Employers are required to provide safe working conditions for employees and visitors to their premises.

In the Covid-19 era, this has come to include providing sanitiser, putting up screens between colleagues, moving desks apart and taking employees' and visitors' temperatures, among other measures.

For their part, employees are required to abide by related restrictions in the workplace, which could include not meeting in large groups or in enclosed spaces, and wearing a mask.

However, what happens once an employee leaves the work premises?

This is the question our lead story explores today.

Experts say that employers should be able to discipline workers for irresponsible behaviour in their private lives.

We agree.

Aside from possible reputational damage to the business, the real concern is the health and lives of its employees.

A person who behaves recklessly in their private lives and then comes to work, where they then may be tempted to lie about their behaviour on Covid questionnaires, puts the lives of coworkers at risk.

Aside from the disciplinary measures the experts recommend, criminal charges should follow in such instances.

The situation can be likened to that of an HIV-positive person having unprotected sex, in which case no less a charge than attempted murder should proceed.

While we wait for an announcement from the president regarding lockdown restrictions over the Easter period, which we hope will be stringent, we appeal to people ‒ again ‒ to be responsible in all areas of their lives.

With a third wave of infections still very possible, this is not the time to let our guard down.

The Independent on Saturday

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