Enhle Mbali reacts to news that she lost her court battle with Black Coffee

Enhle Mbali. Picture: Instagram

Enhle Mbali. Picture: Instagram

Published Nov 30, 2020


Media personality Enhle Mbali Mlotshwa has reacted to news that she lost her bid to have her estranged husband support her lifestyle.

Enhle was seeking to have internationally renowned DJ Black Coffee pay millions in legal fees and maintenance.

Black Coffee walked away victorious last week when a judge in the Johannesburg High Court ruled that her demands were not only unsubstantiated but also that they weren't reasonable.

Taking aim at tabloid publication Sunday World, Enhle tweeted: “The law is always(s) fair....(great #rule43 verdict and it will continue) to be. @SundayWorldZA the people are not stupid. This matter will physically go to court you can’t lie then.... the truth always comes to light!!! My silence is not out of stupidity”.

— #EssieApparel 🌺 (@enhlembali) November 29, 2020

She went on to also say that the court ordered Black Coffee to take care of her and their children, which she claims he was not doing.

In court papers, Enhle said that she had become accustomed to a lavish lifestyle of luxury cars, holidays and high taste in fashion, and Black Coffee could afford this as he earned R100 million per annum as a DJ.

In the court ruling, the judge ordered that she only get R15 000 a month for spousal maintenance and R50 000 in child support.

The actress had demanded that Black Coffee pay her more than R131 000 in monthly maintenance, made up of R80 000 child maintenance for their two minor children, R30 000 for groceries and household items and R17 800 for her beauty cosmetics.

In addition, she had demanded that he pay her medical bills as she had allegedly suffered depression due to stress relating to their highly publicised divorce.

This was revealed in papers filed earlier this year.

Enhle’s application was dismissed, with costs.

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black coffee