Soldier of fortune who got lucky

Published Dec 20, 2011


British mercenary Simon Mann may be one of the luckiest foiled coup plotters in history. The soldier of fortune expected to spend the rest of his days rotting in a tropical dungeon for his role in an attempted African putsch in 2004 that went horribly awry.

Two years after he got an improbable pardon from Equatorial Guinea’s strongman, President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, for his bid to overthrow him, Mann has returned to the oil-rich west African nation three times a free man.

Instead of the vast petro-dollars he expected for the would-be coup, Mann wound up spending more than five years in grim prisons in Zimbabwe and Equatorial Guinea, becoming a subject of both fascination and ridicule in the process.

But he is now profiting from the fiasco with a book about the affair, Cry Havoc, in which he gives his side of a sordid tale that involved Mark Thatcher, the son of former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, 69 desperadoes and an audacious plot.

“I don’t fancy myself as a freedom fighter at all. But I felt at the time that the government was a very repressive one,” Mann said in a phone interview. “The major factor for wanting to do the job was this very simple double-whammy. Here was this terrible tyrant as he seemed at the time and with that the opportunity to make a lot of money.”

Mann claims to have enjoyed military success as a mercenary in the battled-scarred African states of Angola and Sierra Leone by helping the governments there quell rebel movements.

But Equatorial Guinea’s Obiang, who is now Africa’s longest-serving leader, was a far bigger fish and one who knew about coups, having taken power in the former Spanish colony via one in 1979.

The plot to replace Obiang with an exiled political activist was foiled when Mann and his comrades-in-arms were arrested on a runway in the Zimbabwe capital, Harare, when they made a stop-over en route to their target.

Mann believes that US intelligence spilled the beans about the coup plan so Washington could cosy up to Africa’s third-largest oil producer – a charge for which he has no evidence. He did hard time in President Robert Mugabe’s prisons and in 2008 was extradited to Equatorial Guinea, where he says in his book he expected to be executed.

Instead he was pardoned.

“I honestly don’t know why I got pardoned… but I had worked very hard in prison to help the Equatorial Guinean authorities,” Mann said.

He provided information at his trial and intensive interrogations about his fellow coup plotters including Thatcher, who he says abandoned him to the wolves. Mann says he tried to be useful in other ways. “When I was in prison, we had many conversations about their security and so they did ask me to write a paper along the lines of poacher-turned-gamekeeper, which I did,” he said.

Mann met Obiang to thank him for his pardon and release in late 2009. He denies press reports that he is now working for Obiang.

“I had a very nice meeting with him… but it was very weird with the whole set-up,” Mann said with a laugh.

He has nothing but contempt for his fellow coup plotters, who escaped serious punishment. Thatcher paid a fine in South Africa, where he was a resident at the time, for violating anti-foreign mercenary laws.

“Those guys didn’t do anything to help me at all. They didn’t even send me a postcard. And to me that was an act of betrayal,” Mann said.

He does have some sage advice for Thatcher: “What goes around comes around. If you behave like a complete asshole, at some point it will catch up to you.” – Reuters

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