Scoring high with three friends on the World Cup road trip

Published Mar 29, 2011


There were, of course, as many 2010 World Cups as there were spectators or participants. This is an engaging, entertaining account of “our” World Cup, as experienced by three close friends and associates with a genuine interest in football.

We follow them around the country as they go wherever their pre-purchased team tickets took them. We relive some of the defining moments of the World Cup – such as the Black Stars’ agonising loss to Uruguay (cheated out of victory by the hand of Suarez).

Nevertheless, despite their determination to “have a jol”, all three co-narrators are quite serious people, and they reflect on some of the serious questions raised by the World Cup.

What is the transformative, nation-building potential of these great sporting events – and why are we often left clutching the straws of disappoint-ment (the “legacy” question).

What, in material terms, was the lasting impact of the World Cup (in terms of stadiums, transport systems, tourism, internet connectivity, etc) – and does this justify the cost (an estimated R40 million to the taxpayer)? Who walked away with the profits? (This is a no-brainer – Fifa, of course).

What about the intangible benefits, resulting from a massive shift in global perceptions about South Africa? A virtual rebranding of South Africa took place: the world in effect received a “30-day South African infomercial”.

More importantly, perhaps, how did the World Cup change our perceptions of ourselves?

It gave us “a taste of an imagined country”, showed what might be possible if we all came together.

This raises a serious political question: stadiums were built on time, security was provided for 400 000 visitors, public transport systems were overhauled, partly because the government was accountable to Fifa (and partly because there was unity of purpose and a real urgency to deliver).

The World Cup may have “dragged soccer out of the ghetto” – but what the majority of working-class, soccer-crazy, vuvuzela– blowing, township-dwelling) South African football supporters made of all this, we never really discover. And quite how a plastic instrument manufactured in China came to be emblematic of our South African identity we never discover either.

The book has a nice, fresh, hot-off-the-press feel about it, is illustrated with the authors’ own pictures – and buying it won’t break the bank. – Rob Gaylard

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