
Published Apr 20, 2011



by Rupert Smith

(Anderson Books, R170)

Chris Mettle is a businessman, but that’s just one facet of who he is. From humble beginnings as the son of an abusive miner in Springs to living in the lap of luxury with his young family and two dogs, his is a story that leaves you cheering him, as the underdog, on.

The story has strong parallels with that of Brett Kebble and the mystery surrounding his death; Chris, in trying to prevent his family from bearing the brunt of his poor (illegal) business moves, makes a decision that will irrevocably haunt those he was trying to protect.

The story moves quickly, but tends to get bogged down by “stock market” lingo which, although important to the storyline, should have been better explained. I found myself reading and rereading some of the passages and still not having a complete grasp of what was happening.

All in all, the story is intriguing, even if a little mysterious. - Daily News

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