There are no shortcuts in life

Back home parents will be shocked to see their daughters coming with a bun in the oven, if not a baby in tow. Worse still, stone dead in a body bag or in a coffin after contracting the deadly "Z3" HIV in the process of marathon endless night party life.

Back home parents will be shocked to see their daughters coming with a bun in the oven, if not a baby in tow. Worse still, stone dead in a body bag or in a coffin after contracting the deadly "Z3" HIV in the process of marathon endless night party life.

Published Sep 12, 2024


It's heartbreaking and painfully devastating that many people think there are short cuts in life, particularly young women.

There are so many disappointing and shocking anecdotes of young women who come to the big cities to further their tertiary qualifications. Mostly and mainly come from rural areas disadvantaged back grounds only to lose focus, fall prey to sugar daddies and become prostitutes.

The very moment they set foot and see the “Jozi maboneng" - city lights - they get hooked by city party lifestyles, Brazilian weaves, French manicures etc. They forget why they are there in the first place. To study get a qualification, get a job and lead better lives.

To keep up with these extravagant ridiculously expensive city life. Some turn to prostitution and date married sugar daddies with kids their age as stipends are not enough to finance this glamorous, glittering kind of lifestyle.

Back home parents will be shocked to see their daughters coming with a bun in the oven, if not a baby in tow. Worse still, stone dead in a body bag or in a coffin after contracting the deadly "Z3" HIV in the process of marathon endless night party life.

Girls, always remember to keep focus on your studies. When sugar daddies are done and dusted with you, they will drop you like a hot potato if not a Chappies that has lost its taste. Their motive is always ulterior to spoil your future and move to the next catch. They always love them super fresh and young.

Be warned: When a sugar daddy approaches you, run for your dear life as fast as you can and as your legs can carry you. Never look back.

The ball is in your court whether you choose a better life or a life with future uncertainty. There are no short cuts in life and don't navigate it like 2 minutes noodles.

McDivett Khumbulani Tshehla | KwaMhlanga

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media

Daily News

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