No man will be left behind: How President Xi Jinping's ten point plan for China-Africa cooperation paves the way for a brighter future

African leaders applaud Chinese President Xi Jinping (C) after his speech at the opening ceremony of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People on September 5, 2024. Picture: Greg Baker / AFP

African leaders applaud Chinese President Xi Jinping (C) after his speech at the opening ceremony of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People on September 5, 2024. Picture: Greg Baker / AFP

Published Sep 9, 2024


By Ayanda Mdluli

The world at this present moment in time is at a precipice and can go two ways. The first path is characterised by conflict, economic hardship, poverty and genocide.

The second path is that of peace, harmony, stability, progress and economic prosperity for all.

An analysis of the former has seen unspeakable acts of horror being being committed against innocent women and children in the conflict between Israel and Palestine in Gaza. Even for us operating in the media fraternity, this atrocious war has really tested our limits and pushed the boundaries of what we can and cannot do.

I am reminded of a time when the bombings in Gaza were so intense that they took out a hospital and an entire district where a dead baby was eventually recovered from the rubble. What were the rules of engagement?

The image was triggering but I chose to publish it in the Daily News because ours is to tell the story and present it as it is to the world without sugar coating the truth. Secondly, the conflict in the Ukraine where one of our BRICS partners has entered into a military operation in order to secure their borders and sovereignty from encroaching western allied forces, has seen widespread damage of critical infrastructure with civilian casualties.

This then begs the question; is this the world that we want for the future generations? Is this the world that we have envisioned for our children, great grand children and their offspring for the decades and centuries to come?

At what point do we realise that it is not in our best interest as humanity to leave a cold and desolate world for our children? A world characterised by global hunger, poverty, unemployment, conflict, discrimination, racism and classism. This year's Forum on China-Africa Cooperation aimed to address these fundamental crises that are a plague to our quest for peace and harmony in the world.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, in his address to 50 African heads of state, ministers and diplomats at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Thursday was very profound in explaining how the concept of modernisation through China and Africa cooperation will will usher the world into a new era of international peace, security and stability.

He stated in his address that there will be no modernisation or a shared future without China, Africa and the rest of the developing world which makes up a third of the global population.

He commented: "China and Africa account for one-third of the world population. Without our modernization, there will be no global modernization. In the next three years, China will work with Africa to take the following ten partnership actions for modernization to deepen China-Africa cooperation and spearhead the Global South modernisation."

Explaining the cornerstone of China's Modernisation theory, he explained that it is "an inalienable right of all countries".

However, he was of the view that the Western approach to it has inflicted immense sufferings on developing countries.

"Since the end of World War II, Third World nations, represented by China and African countries, have achieved independence and development one after another, and have been endeavouring to redress the historical injustices of the modernization process. As we are about to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, we are going all out to build a great modern socialist country in all respects and pursue national rejuvenation through a Chinese path to modernisation. Africa is also awakening again, and the continent is marching in solid strides toward the modernisation goals set forth in the AU’s Agenda 2063. China and Africa’s joint pursuit of modernisation will set off a wave of modernisation in the Global South, and open a new chapter in our drive for a community with a shared future for mankind," stated President Xi.

In a historic display of cooperation both China and Africa agreed to elevate their strategic partnership at the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) summit.

The gathering saw the signing of numerous landmark deals aimed at accelerating economic growth, infrastructure development, and social progress across the continent.

President Xi announced a $50 billion financial package to support Africa's development and modernisation efforts over the next three years.

This commitment is expected to bolster economic ties and stimulate growth in key sectors such as infrastructure, energy, and agriculture.

According to President Xi, China and Africa have agreed to collaborate on high-quality infrastructure projects, including roads, bridges, and energy initiatives.

This cooperation aims to enhance connectivity, improve access to energy, and drive sustainable development across the continent, explained President Xi in his address to African heads of state.

Addressing scores of delegates, President Xi laid out the ten point plan that will usher in a new age of modernisation in the global economy through China-Africa cooperation.

First, is the Partnership Action for Mutual Learning among Civilizations.

He explained that China is ready to work with Africa to build a platform for governance experience sharing, a China-Africa knowledge network for development, and 25 centres on China and Africa studies. We will make better use of Africa’s leadership academies to cultivate talents for governance, and invite 1,000 members of African political parties to China to deepen exchanges of experience in party and state governance.

Second, is the Partnership Action for Trade Prosperity. China will voluntarily and unilaterally open its market wider.

He elaborated: "We have decided to give all LDCs having diplomatic relations with China, including 33 countries in Africa, zero-tariff treatment for 100 percent tariff lines. This has made China the first major developing country and the first major economy to take such a step. It will help turn China’s big market into Africa’s big opportunity. China will expand market access for African agricultural products, deepen cooperation with Africa in e-commerce and other areas, and launch a China-Africa quality enhancement program.

He added that China was prepared to enter into framework agreements on economic partnership for shared development with African countries to provide long-term, stable and predictable institutional guarantee for trade and investment between the two sides.

Third, the Partnership Action for Industrial Chain Cooperation. China will foster industry cooperation growth clusters with Africa, push forward the Pilot Zone for In-depth China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation, and launch an “African SMEs empowerment program.”

"We will build with Africa a digital technology cooperation centre and initiate 20 digital demonstration projects so as to embrace together the latest round of technological revolution and industrial transformation," he said.

The fourth point was the Partnership Action for Connectivity.

In this, he said China was prepared to carry out 30 infrastructure connectivity projects in Africa, promote together high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and put in place a China-Africa network featuring land-sea links and coordinated development.

"We are ready to assist in the development of the African Continental Free Trade Area, and deepen logistics and financial cooperation for the benefit of trans-regional development in Africa," said President Xi.

The fifth element, was the Partnership Action for Development Cooperation.

Presdient Xi said China is ready to release the Joint Statement on Deepening Cooperation within the Framework of the Global Development Initiative with Africa, and implement 1,000 “small and beautiful” livelihood projects.

"We will replenish the China-World Bank Group Partnership Facility to boost Africa’s development. We support Africa in hosting the 2026 Youth Olympic Games and the 2027 Africa Cup of Nations. We will work together with Africa to deliver more fruits of development to the two peoples," he explained.

The Sixth plan was around the Partnership Action for Health. China is ready to establish with Africa a hospitals alliance and joint medical centres.

President Xi said China would send 2,000 medical personnel to Africa, and launch 20 programs of health facilities and malaria treatment.

He added that China would encourage Chinese companies to invest in Africa’s pharmaceutical production, and continue to do what we can to help Africa with epidemic response.

"We support the development of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention to strengthen public health capacity in all African countries," said President Xi.

At number seven, was the Partnership Action for Agriculture and Livelihoods. He explained that China will provide Africa with RMB1 billion yuan in emergency food assistance, about 6,670 hectares of standardised agriculture demonstration areas in Africa, send 500 agricultural experts, and establish a China-Africa agricultural science and technology innovation alliance.

"We will implement 500 programs in Africa to promote community welfare. We will also encourage two-way investment for new business operations by Chinese and African companies, enable Africa to retain added value, and create at least one million jobs for Africa," he said.

On the eighth plan, he announced the Partnership Action for People-to-People Exchanges.

In this, he explained: "China will implement with Africa more solidly the Future of Africa—Vocational Education Cooperation Plan, establish together an engineering technology academy, and build ten Luban Workshops. We will provide 60,000 training opportunities to Africa, mainly for women and youths. We will launch with Africa a Cultural Silk Road program as well as an initiative of cooperation on innovation in radio, TV and audio and visual programs. The two sides have agreed to designate 2026 as the China-Africa Year of People-to-People Exchanges."

At number nine, President Xi announced the Partnership Action for Green Development.

He declared that China was ready to launch 30 clean energy projects in Africa, put in place meteorological early warning systems, and carry out cooperation in disaster prevention, mitigation and relief as well as biodiversity conservation.

"We will create a China-Africa forum on peaceful use of nuclear technology, establish together 30 joint laboratories, and collaborate on satellite remote sensing and lunar and deep-space exploration. All this is designed to help with green development in Africa," said President Xi.

And lastly, the tenth plan was the Partnership Action for Common Security.

He said China is ready to build with Africa a partnership for implementing the GSI, and make it a fine example of GSI cooperation. He added that China would provide Africa with RMB1 billion yuan of grants in military assistance, provide training for 6,000 military personnel and 1,000 police and law enforcement officers from Africa, and invite 500 young African military officers to visit China.

The two sides will conduct joint military exercises, training and patrol, carry out an “action for a mine-free Africa,” and jointly ensure the safety of personnel and projects.

"To implement the ten partnership actions, the Chinese government will provide RMB360 billion yuan of financial support through the next three years. This breaks down into RMB210 billion yuan of credit line, RMB80 billion yuan of assistance in various forms, and at least RMB70 billion yuan of investment in Africa by Chinese companies. In addition, China will encourage and support Africa in issuing panda bonds in China to enhance our results-oriented cooperation in all areas," he said.

In essence, Africa is moving forward, and China is leading the way in widespread industrialisation and modernisation. The world is now Africa's oyster and it is up to each and everyone of us to make it work for the benefit of the future generations of Africans all around the world.

* Ayanda Mdluli is the Editor of Daily News.

** The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Independent Media or IOL.