Misguided analysis of Israel-Gaza war is also astounding

An Israeli military vehicle manoeuvres near the Israel-Gaza border, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, in Israel, July 10, 2024. REUTERS/Amir Cohen TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

An Israeli military vehicle manoeuvres near the Israel-Gaza border, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, in Israel, July 10, 2024. REUTERS/Amir Cohen TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Published Sep 15, 2024


In response to Z Khan's letter on page 2 of the Daily News, September 11, 2024, titled Shakespeare's work prophetic in nature.

I am left dumbfounded at her ignorance and lack of sound Biblical knowledge. It is not the Christians who persecuted the Jews my friend, it was the Romans who persecuted the followers of Jesus! Let us please get some proper context before we smear a particular people group or religious movement.

Your misguided analysis of the Israel-Gaza war is also astounding. You may be a teacher, but this does not mean that you have all the answers or that you even understand the complexities of this war against terror. You, and other Muslim faithful, have very sharp tongues and waste no time condemning the very people who are trying to protect the Free World from Islamo-Marxism. No matter how atrocious the attacks from Hamas were on October 7, 2023, your obsession with trying to prove that Israel is indeed committing a genocide, could not be more hypocritical in nature than it already is!

You call wrong right, and right wrong! It is Hamas who is unashamedly using innocent Gazan women, children and even the elderly as shields to protect the terror mastermind Yayah Sinwar from certain death. When he is not hiding in tunnels or behind civilians, he is crawling somewhere in the underworld where only God knows how dark and evil it is.

The stench of radical Islam fills the air in Gaza as many innocent people must die, due to their twisted association with the Terror group Hamas, whom some of them still view as heroes or some sort of Robin Hood culture. It is Hamas who brutally killed freedom loving Jews, and other ethnic groups, at a music festival and gloated thereafter by posting gruesome footage for the World to see, as if this was some achievement. How sick and twisted is this?

The ANC's shocking involvement with the ICJ case against Israel, is a stark reminder of what happens when politics, leftist propaganda and Islamic radicalism amalgamate to form a toxic mixture of hypocrisy, lunacy and brutality. This war is not a war between Jews and Gazans, or between Islam and Christianity. It is a war of good vs evil.

Your reference to Shakespeare holds no relevance at all, when your misunderstanding of Biblical truth and your uncompromising dedication to radical Islamic terror becomes the only filter through which you view life in general. Your fancy English words mean nothing when your understanding of the Gazan war is so limited and attached to an agenda of aggressive, self-righteous Antisemitic propaganda- you only achieve to gain sympathy from like-minded radicals such as yourself- no-one else buys your rhetoric.

I am just happy that my faith is not linked to the dedication of death to another people, or an obsession with Marxist, Socialist, Leftist values and ideologies!

L Oosthuizen | Durban

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Daily News