Justice system must show no mercy to Limpopo farmer

Limpopo farmer Zachariah J Olivier, his farm manager Rudolph de Wet and farm worker, Zimbabwean William Musora are accused of shooting two women who were scavenging for food on the farm and then throwing the bodies to pigs to feed.

Limpopo farmer Zachariah J Olivier, his farm manager Rudolph de Wet and farm worker, Zimbabwean William Musora are accused of shooting two women who were scavenging for food on the farm and then throwing the bodies to pigs to feed.

Published Sep 13, 2024


Life is cheap in South Africa; so cheap that human bodies are fed to pigs.

We have heard of various atrocities committed in the South Africa and many bizarre ways disposing of bodies of victims killed by the perpetrator, like keeping a dead body in a freezer or dumping a new- born baby in a pit latrine.

But this must surely be the most gruesome, callous and atrocious way anyone can treat a fellow human.

Sixty-year-old Limpopo farmer Zachariah J Olivier, his 21-year-old farm manager Rudolph de Wet and farm worker, Zimbabwean William Musora are accused of shooting two women who were scavenging for food on the farm and then throwing the bodies to pigs to feed.

How could anyone be so heartless to do such a horrible deed? And what if the pigs that devoured human flesh are then sold to an abattoir to be turned into sausages, bacon and polony?

Even ancient cultures, often regarded as uncivilised heathens and sneered at by western culture, did not do anything as horrible as what three accused from Limpopo did.

The ancient Egyptians revered the dead, mummifying the bodies to preserve them for after-life. The Persians, Greeks, Romans and Mayans, too, respected the dead. How then could any civilised person living in a modern age do some thing as horrible as this?

Following hard on Tom London' s shocking video which exposed the deplorable conditions in Helen Joseph Hospital, this outrageous story of feeding human bodies to pigs, has got the people of the country shaking their heads in disbelief

They are angry and rightly so and want the justice system to show no mercy to the ruthless three men from Limpopo. Should they be treated as humans, with sympathy, respect and dignity or dumped in a pigsty?

T Markandan

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

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