Have we been sensing the energy of others?

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a psychology adviser. Picture: Supplied

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a psychology adviser. Picture: Supplied

Published Sep 8, 2024



I have wondered about the connection between energy and our emotional responses. Just as there’s often more to something than meets the eye, we can walk into a room and feel an eerie atmosphere that’s difficult to explain. Just as energy can be hidden within matter waiting to be tapped into, have we also been sensing the energy of those around us?

The unseen force could be shaping our emotions, influencing our moods and altering the atmosphere of the spaces we inhabit. In this article, we explore sensing the energies of those around us and its effect on our overall well-being.

Why do we instantly click with someone or feel uneasy around them, without knowing why? Maybe our gut feeling or instinctive sense is telling us something? It’s as if our intuition almost senses a hidden energy that surrounds each person. But, can we trust our gut feeling?

Numerous studies have demonstrated a strong correlation between gut feelings and accurate assessment of people’s intentions and feelings towards us, as though it’s telling us about those with good intentions or warning us against those with ill intent.

Through mirroring, we sense the energy of others when we hug, communicate or listen to their comments which are sometimes given with a double meaning. Mirroring is the reflection of their thoughts which allows us to sense how they feel towards us. Are we suddenly left reading between the lines wondering if there’s more to this than meets the eye? Are we picking up on unspoken messages, sensing their energy on point? Have you ever felt a sudden boost of confidence after receiving a genuine compliment or felt deflated after being criticised?

What is this energy that surrounds each person? In essence, it is a blend of emotional, intentional and vibrational frequencies that radiate from each person. The energy field, often referred to as the “aura”, is thought to be a manifestation of our emotions, thoughts and experiences.

When we interact with others, our vibrations must align like two puzzle pieces fitting together, to form a harmonious connection. While the concept of the aura might seem mystical, a growing body of research supports its existence.

Research indicates that every living being gives out a unique energy signature like a fingerprint. When we are around someone, our energy signature intersects and influences our emotions, thoughts and behaviours. The feelings tend to have a profound impact on our relationships, moods and overall well-being.

Emotions play a critical role in shaping our energy signatures. Understanding the connection is key to navigating complex relationships. When our energy signature resonates with someone else’s, it guides us towards genuine connections. Being around people who resonate with our energy makes us feel supported and energised.

On the other hand, have you had relationships that left you feeling drained, but could not put your finger on why? Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether it’s possible to maintain a healthy, fulfilling relationship with them, depending on your personal discretion.

However, it is essential to prioritise safeguarding your mental health and well-being, protecting yourself from the anxieties triggered by harmful energies. Through our experiences, we can intuitively sense who has strong emotional energy that resonates with us, or not.

By attracting similar energies, you can maintain balance in all aspects of your life. Moreover, by tuning into the energy of those around you, you can better understand their emotional states and fine-tune your emotional radar, allowing you to respond more thoughtfully before reacting impulsively. By being more attuned to the energies around you, you become equipped to sail calmly through everyday challenges, keeping a healthy mindset evolving.

As we develop a deeper understanding of the energies surrounding us, we begin to decode the mysteries of our existence and form a universal matrix of understanding that is rooted in our growing ability to sense energy. The matrix takes shape when energy and intention intersect – we gain access to the universal playbook where the secrets of interconnectedness await.

Just as E=mc² reveals the profound connection between energy and mass, our unique energy signatures serve as the spark for manifesting our highest potential.

By embracing this ideology, we remind ourselves that our energy is a powerful force that can either attract or push away experiences. With this awareness, we are empowered to consciously shape our reality, magnetising opportunities and effortlessly sliding into relationships that align with our highest potential.

Trust that the universe is working in your favour and surrender to its natural flow. The energy you choose to put out is the energy you get back. Simply tune-in to feel-good emotions of self-love and positivity, aligning the frequency of your vibration with the universe to attract your highest potential.

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a psychology adviser.

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