‘Uzalo’ actor graces stage at his graduation from DUT

Othembele Nomgca who plays Bobo on ‘Uzalo’. Picture: Supplied

Othembele Nomgca who plays Bobo on ‘Uzalo’. Picture: Supplied

Published Jun 1, 2023


Durban — An “Uzalo” actor graced the stage at the Durban University of Technology (DUT) when he graduated with a postgraduate diploma in drama and production studies earlier this week.

Othembele Nomgca, 22, who plays Bobo in “Uzalo”, was among the Faculty of Arts and Design students at DUT’s Autumn Graduation ceremony which was held at the Olive Convention Centre on Tuesday evening, May 30.

Nomgca hails from Bhungeni village in Flagstaff, Eastern Cape.

He is now in a new series, “1802: Love Defies Time”, which started airing in May.

Speaking on his time at DUT, Nomgca said: “It has been a tough journey, from obtaining my first qualification, a diploma in drama and production studies. When I joined DUT, I was still a young man coming from the rural areas to the big city. It was a big challenge, trying to discipline myself. I used to constantly remind myself what I wanted in life. When I got what I wanted initially, I didn’t stop there, I kept trying to get even more.”

Nomgca said his love for acting came from being raised by parents who were artists.

Othembele Nomgca who plays Bobo on Uzalo. Picture: Supplied.

He said he landed a role in “Uzalo” after going for an audition in 2020 while studying at DUT.

“After the audition, to my surprise, I got the role. It was a small role at first, however, they liked my Xhosa accent and requested that I come back for more shoots – that is how I got it. I am currently not shooting for “Uzalo” for some time, but I am on a new show called “1802” by Lulu Hela. It is shot in Johannesburg. It is more about the isiXhosa culture. I play the role of Qondile, a guard for the prince. We are led by a good superstar called Prince Ntuthuzelo Grootboom. I play alongside Siyambonga Mdubeki who is from a rural area in Mount Ayliff, and we have such a great, strong relationship. Just being on set together, both from the rural areas,” Nomgca said.

He was excited about earning his second qualification and felt that passion alone would not get an artist far in life.

He said artists were often stereotyped as lazy people and he wanted to dispel this belief. He planned to do more than just act and had an interest in writing, producing and creating more job opportunities.

“For me also personally, it isn’t just a hobby, it’s a career. This is my life, this is what puts food on my table. I felt like I should do the right thing and further my studies because no one can be a professional without acquiring the necessary education for it. We have to respect the art, so I am putting a price on it. You have to have a certificate that you can be proud of and know you have worked hard to attain it,” Nomgca said.

He said the graduation ceremony was exciting because the first time he graduated was during the Covid-19 pandemic so he missed out on an in-person ceremony.

Nomgca said he finally got a chance to walk the graduation stage which was a great experience for him and his family, who came to support him.

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