More crime spots targeted by police, private security and other stakeholders in Phoenix

A joint operation by SAPS, KZN VIP and other stakeholders targeted crime spots in Petal Park, Shastri Park, Bridgevale, Rydalvale, Everham, Westham and Trade Centre robots. Picture: KZN VIP

A joint operation by SAPS, KZN VIP and other stakeholders targeted crime spots in Petal Park, Shastri Park, Bridgevale, Rydalvale, Everham, Westham and Trade Centre robots. Picture: KZN VIP

Published Sep 5, 2022


Durban — Stakeholders have now joined SAPS and private security in conducting successful raids in crime spots in Phoenix.

KZN VIP spokesperson Gareth Naidoo said that following a joint operation at the end of August between KZN VIP and Phoenix SAPS, on Friday the operation intensified as more stakeholders were involved.

A joint operation by SAPS, KZN VIP and other stakeholders targeted crime spots in Petal Park, Shastri Park, Bridgevale, Rydalvale, Everham, Westham and Trade Centre robots. Picture: KZN VIP

Naidoo said areas targeted were Petal Park, Shastri Park, Bridgevale, Rydalvale, Everham, Westham and Trade Centre robots.

“These were a few spots highlighted, arrests have been made, in some places drugs recovered, and some places ammunition recovered. More camps were destroyed and removed by the land invasion unit,” Naidoo said.

A joint operation by SAPS, KZN VIP and other stakeholders targeted crime spots in Petal Park, Shastri Park, Bridgevale, Rydalvale, Everham, Westham and Trade Centre robots. Picture: KZN VIP

“We commend the Phoenix police for organising these multidisciplinary operations in an attempt to fight crime.”

Those involved included Phoenix SAPS, Phoenix Trio Crimes, metro police, KZN VIP, the Land Invasion Unit, UIP and Durban Solid Waste.

A joint operation by SAPS, KZN VIP and other stakeholders targeted crime spots in Petal Park, Shastri Park, Bridgevale, Rydalvale, Everham, Westham and Trade Centre robots. Picture: KZN VIP

In the first operation, a multidisciplinary team raided a notorious whoonga camp next to the Mt Edgecombe Intersection, known as Trade Centre. The place is notorious for smash and grabs, robberies and beggars.

The thick bush alongside the freeway and under the bridges provides a hideout for criminals who lurk in it.

The bush housed self-confessed drug addicts. Naidoo said police made their way through the bush finding more camps further inside. Police confiscated drug paraphernalia, knives, screwdrivers, other dangerous weapons and suspected stolen items.

A joint operation by SAPS, KZN VIP and other stakeholders targeted crime spots in Petal Park, Shastri Park, Bridgevale, Rydalvale, Everham, Westham and Trade Centre robots. Picture: KZN VIP

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