Lindiwe Sisulu fights corruption in the Department of Tourism by responding to 70 cases of the findings by the auditor-general

Tourism Minister, Lindiwe Sisulu has responded to 60% of the cases raised by the auditor-general.

Tourism Minister, Lindiwe Sisulu has responded to 60% of the cases raised by the auditor-general.

Published Jan 26, 2022


DURBAN - Tourism Minister Lindiwe Sisulu has responded to 60% of cases which were raised by the auditor-general.

This was revealed during the tourism portfolio committee sitting, where she appeared on Tuesday.

Sisulu told the committee that her department has responded to 60% (70 cases) of the findings by the auditor-general (A-G) , while 29% (34 cases) of the findings are partially completed and in progress. She added that 11% of those cases would be completed on specific dates.

In the statement issued by her office it said the portfolio committee appreciated the minister’s positive engagement with regard to issues raised by the A-G on audit outcomes for 2020/21 financial year.

“On the investigation being conducted by the Public Service Commission (PSC) the committee has requested that quarterly reports be made available. In November, the minister received the A-G’s report on the performance of her department in the 2020/21 financial year. The department received an unqualified audit opinion, whilst SA Tourism which is an entity of the department received a qualified audit opinion,” read the statement.

Sisulu’s office further said the A-G’s office in briefing the committee members in November highlighted that the department’s overall audit outcomes have regressed from the previous year.

The A-G’s office then recommended that the department implement consequence management for supply chain management transgressions and investigate the exceptions reported in the Tour Guide Fund.

The office added that the minister has taken steps to conduct investigations as recommended by the portfolio committee.

Some officials are already facing consequence management and a report will be tabled to the committee in March.

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department of tourism