Alleged taxi rank drug dealer in court



Published Oct 23, 2023


Durban — An alleged drug dealer who sold drugs at a taxi rank in Pietermaritzburg was expected in court on Monday after his arrest on Friday.

KwaZulu-Natal Hawks spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Simphiwe Mhlongo said that last Friday, Hawks members from Pietermaritzburg Serious Organised Crime Investigation working together with Umgungundlovu Trio Task Team, Visible Policing and private security company arrested a 38-year-old suspect for dealing in drugs.

Mhlongo said that members had received information about a suspect who was dealing drugs at Sweetwaters taxi rank in Pietermaritzburg.

He said an intelligence-driven operation was conducted and members pounced on the suspect’s vending table where a search was conducted.

“During the search heroin capsules, heroin straws, pieces of rock cocaine and mandrax tablets to the street value of approximately R55 000 were found,” Mhlongo said.

A 38-year-old man was arrested for dealing drugs at his vending table at a taxi rank in Pietermaritzburg. Heroin capsules, heroin straws, pieces of rock cocaine and mandrax tablets were found. Picture: Hawks

The suspect was arrested and charged with dealing drugs.

“Members also seized R2 000 cash suspected to be the proceeds of crime. He is expected to appear in the Pietermaritzburg Magistrate’s Court today (Monday),” Mhlongo said.

KwaZulu-Natal Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks) Provincial Head, Major General (Dr) Lesetja Senona welcomed the arrest and applauded the members for their good work.

A 38-year-old man was arrested for dealing drugs at his vending table at a taxi rank in Pietermaritzburg. Heroin capsules, heroin straws, pieces of rock cocaine and mandrax tablets were found. Picture: Hawks

Meanwhile, last Thursday, Hawks members from Serious Organised Crime Investigation working together with Crime Intelligence and Durban Metro Police Drug Team arrested an 18-year-old for dealing in drugs after receiving information about the suspect who was dealing drugs in Phoenix.

Mhlongo said that members conducted an operation, swooped on the suspect’s premises and conducted a search.

“During the search heroin capsules and mandrax tablets to the street value of approximately R20 750 were found,” Mhlongo said.

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