LETTER: Attack on German tourist; what’s next no-go areas?

The attack on, and murder of foreign tourists, particularly near a major tourist attraction is a national disgrace and a disaster for the tourism industry, says the writer.

The attack on, and murder of foreign tourists, particularly near a major tourist attraction is a national disgrace and a disaster for the tourism industry, says the writer.

Published Oct 10, 2022


Kevin Meineke

Cape Town - I refer to the article: “Attack on German tourist was an isolated incident” – Lindiwe Sisulu, Cape Times, October 6.

Why is it that our so-called leaders do not call a spade a spade?

They hide behind euphemisms. The attack on, and murder of foreign tourists, particularly near a major tourist attraction is a national disgrace and a disaster for the tourism industry.

While crime and violence are starting to engulf the country, our leaders are asleep at the wheel and appear to be unconcerned.

Protection rackets, extortion, kidnapping, shootings on beaches, taxi-related violence, school violence, gangsterism, robberies at police stations, attacks on farmers (our food source) and attacks on women and children appear to be the order of the day.

The ongoing theft and vandalism of railway property should be regarded as treason and those found guilty of such should receive the equivalent punishment.

I fear that we will soon have “no-go” areas in SA like what happened in the former Rhodesia. Who recalls such incidents as travelling by road from Beit Bridge to Bulawayo, needing a military escort or the lovely Chimanimani area and others being closed to tourists?

Will our long-distance buses, which are also under attack, soon require a military escort to allow them to travel safely? Will Kruger Park be closed to tourists due to criminal activity?

These questions, as bizarre as they are, might become a reality unless our leaders do what they are supposed to be doing and our inept police force pulls itself together.

While the taxi industry, gangsters and zama-zamas are taking over the streets our leaders are guilty of posturing and pontification. Talk is cheap!

SA is in desperate need of new leaders of the calibre of Jan Smuts or Nelson Mandela. Where are such people? Surely there must be such potential leaders?

Cape Times

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