‘We did all we could’ – Hangberg community temporarily withdraws search for missing Nick Frischke



Published Mar 6, 2023


Cape Town - The Hangberg community in Hout Bay has temporarily withdrawn search efforts for missing German tourist Nick Frischke, 22, following weeks of intensive search operations.

Frischke, in the country on holiday, was last seen leaving his B&B in Pinelands three weeks ago.

Five men who were found in possession of Frischke’s personal belongings have since been arrested and appeared at the Wynberg Magistrate's Court on Monday.

Igshaan Fisher, Jason Abrahams, Vanroy Petersen, Carlo Guenantin and Melvin Guenantin were charged with robbery with aggravating circumstances.

National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesperson Eric Ntabazalila said the matter was postponed to May 4 for further investigation.

Nick Frischke was last seen leaving his B&B in Pinelands three weeks ago.

"The legal representative for the five accused advised the court that all accused have abandoned their bail applications. The State requested that the matter be postponed as there still outstanding investigations that needed to carried out. Those included witness statements, DNA analysis and cellphone analysis. The case was then postponed until May 4 for further investigation. The accused have been remanded,” he said.

The Hangberg community members, who joined search efforts alongside the authorities, said they did all they could but were unable to locate Frischke.

Community activist Zulfa October said they were taking some time away from the search to strategise a way forward.

“The community has been actively searching for Nick, even on the weekend we continued with the search, even the elderly joined. The police have also been actively searching the area.

“It has been more than two weeks now and he is still not found. We have searched all over the mountain, even when it was raining. We are taking a break but we are still hopeful that he will be found,” she said.

October said they were still reeling from Frischke’s disappearance.

“This incident is something that is very shocking for us because this young man is not even from this country. To my understanding, people could have taken chances with him because he was all alone. The area has had criminal activity over the years,” she said.

Police spokesperson Joseph Swartbooi said the matter was still under investigation.

“The disappearance of Nick Frischke is under investigation by experienced detectives who are assisted by uniformed members and other stakeholders to search the area where he was last seen.

“Secluded areas such as Hangberg have the potential to pose a risk, and we therefore encourage the public to be cautious when visiting isolated areas or to do so in groups to avoid becoming a victim of crime,” Swartbooi said.

Hout Bay councillor Rob Quintas said there had been a series of violent crimes resulting in the loss of life in Hangberg over recent years.

“The hiking trails in the area have also been plagued by muggings of hikers by known offenders, usually tik addicts, who are generally out and back in the community on bail,” he said.

Anyone with information on the incident is requested to call investigating officer Captain Raymond Swart at 082 827 3212, or alternatively call Crime Stop at 08600 10111.

Cape Times