[VIDEO] UCT exams disrupted by protesters

UCT exams disrupted by a group of individuals.

UCT exams disrupted by a group of individuals.

Published Jun 6, 2022


Cape Town - UCT says it has opened charges of trespassing and malicious damage to property after exams were disrupted by a group of protesters on Monday.

The institution said the group of individuals, who were not employees or students of the university, disrupted exams under way on upper campus.

“UCT condemns these actions in the strongest possible terms. It is an infringement on the rights of students who have to sit their mid-year exams in a conducive environment. Campus Protections Services officers are working to secure all exam venues on upper campus.

"UCT has laid charges of trespassing and malicious damage to property with the South African Police Services (SAPS) and will work closely with the SAPS.”

Exams scheduled for the remainder of the day were to proceed as planned.

The EFF Students Command (EFFSC) said the protest at the Sports Centre was embarked on by university workers.

“It is sad that the negligence and arrogance of the university management, stemming from their pride, anti-blackness and deliberate disregard for the struggles of workers, has resulted in this.

— Mark Davel (@markdavel) June 6, 2022

“We abhor and condemn the opening of criminal charges of trespassing and damage to property by UCT against the workers. This is an act of suppression and demonstrates the continuous silencing of workers.

“Though it is a huge inconvenience to students, we must be selfless and understand that the workers are making an ethical call for basic human dignity that is enjoyed by ‘professional workers’ in the university and not workers – the backbone of the university. It is a cry for access to medical services, educational benefits and many basic needs.”

The EFFSC said workers had shared their dissatisfaction with being left out of insourcing that took place during the #FeesMustFall era.

“It is on this bedrock that the workers proclaim that they have had enough and thus are left with no choice but to engage the university in a more radical and militant manner to demonstrate their frustration at being exploited.”

The student organisation said it will engage management in order to drop charges against the workers and call for insourcing.

Cape Times

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