UCT governance report to remain confidential for now

UCT Council chair Norman Arendse. Picture: ANA Archive

UCT Council chair Norman Arendse. Picture: ANA Archive

Published Oct 15, 2023


UCT’s Council says it has received the report from the independent panel set up to investigate governance matters at the institution, but until the content and recommendations of the report have been fully considered, the report will remain confidential.

UCT Council chair Norman Arendse (SC) said the report was issued and considered by Council at its meeting on Saturday.

This follows Council’s decision in October last year to establish an independent panel whose work commenced in January this year to probe allegations of governance issues, including matters related to executive relations and reasons for resignations in the university.

“Council extends its appreciation to the panel for the detailed and important work that it has done, and is confident that the report is a crucial step in assisting Council to strengthen the governance of the university.

“The content of the report and the recommendations contained therein are now under consideration by Council and will be discussed at a further meeting that will be scheduled shortly,” Arendse said.

“Until the content and recommendations of the report have been fully considered, Council has resolved that the report will remain confidential.

“It is recognised that many of the university’s stakeholders expect to be more fully informed and Council therefore undertakes to take the necessary steps to provide further details as soon as it is appropriate to do so,” Arendse said.

Cape Times

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