Two principals inspire pupils and teachers to excel



Published May 18, 2021


TRANSFORMATIVE leadership and the creative use of spaces in schools can help improve pupils’ performance, promote their emotional well-being, and keep them in school until matric.

This is one of the core messages of a new book by Professor Aslam Fataar, of the Department of Education Policy Studies at Stellenbosch University, and Dr Johann Burger.

Burger, who is the district manager for the Western Cape Education Department (WCED), completed his doctoral studies in 2017, under Fataar’s supervision.

The book, titled, Skoolleierskap en die skep van produktiewe leerruimtes in skole, (School leadership and the creation of productive learning spaces in schools) shows how two principals of diverse schools – one in an urban working class area and the other in a rural middle class area – apply unique leadership and the use of specific spaces in schools, to create excellent learning environments that inspire and motivate their pupils and teachers to excel in what they do.

The authors say that the principals created physical, emotional and social spaces by incorporating, among others, artwork, light, colour, sound, maps and diagrams in the learning environment.

“One school transformed a certain social space, that consists of several seats under shady trees, into emotional zones. There are between six and 10 seats, where the pupils, away from the hustle and bustle of the playground, can sit in a fairly quiet space, and chat and socialise with each other.

“One of the social projects that was launched was the establishment of a ‘restaurant’ for pupils that could help prepare them emotionally and socially for the future,” said Fataar and Burger..

Their book shows how limited resources and spaces in schools can be utilised to create learning environments that foster relationships between teachers and pupils based on respect, compassion and educational dignity. It also provides insight into the possibility of innovative and inspiring leadership in the creation of educational spaces.

"This book focuses on the problem of poor performance in the majority of South Africa's schools. It addresses the worrying question of how to improve education in poorly performing schools. We suggest that school leadership is one of the key dimensions to improve schools and that such leadership is crucial to creating learning environments to improve school performance,” said Fataar and Burger.

The authors believe that newly-created and productive learning spaces will have a positive influence on pupils.

They hope their book will serve as a resource or route map for any student, educator, education district staff member, or anyone else who is involved in the teaching and education of people, and who strives for improved learning outcomes.

The authors and the two principals, in collaboration with the WCED, will be doing a series of school and education district-based training workshops, where they will be focusing on the conceptual and practical school leadership dimensions, related to creating healthy school learning environments.