Samaritans save two minors from drowning at Clifton beach

The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) said it had received multiple calls from concerned residents and their Bakoven duty crew launched their rescue craft Gemini Legend. Picture: NSRI

The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) said it had received multiple calls from concerned residents and their Bakoven duty crew launched their rescue craft Gemini Legend. Picture: NSRI

Published May 2, 2023


Cape Town - Good Samaritans sprang into action to save a 10-year-old and an 8-year old after they were swept out to sea in rip currents while swimming at Clifton’s 1st Beach on Sunday.

The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) said it had received multiple calls from concerned residents.

NSRI Bakoven duty crew launched their rescue craft Gemini Legend.

The City’s water rescue network and law enforcement officers were alerted and off-duty Clifton lifeguards and Western Cape health EMS metro control also responded.

At that stage the 10-year-old boy was being assisted out of the water by two unidentified Good Samaritans, with the help of other bystanders who waded into the surf, as swells reached two to three metres.

This was while Alex Elcock, a resident at Clifton 1st Beach, stayed on the line with NSRI Emergency Operations Centre controllers, relaying information while her husband, Andrew Elcock, launched into the surf to help save the other child.

The NSRI rescue swimmers reached Andrew and the child about 200m off-shore.

Andrew commended the child’s bravery.

“The child did exceptionally well. He was not panicking and he kept his wits about him despite the grave danger we found ourselves facing. His bravery is highly commended.”

The NSRI commended Alex and Andrew Elcock, and the unidentified Good Samaritans.

The children and their families were taken to Bakoven NSRI rescue station. Both children were said to be “healthy and in good spirits”.

Cape Times