LISTEN: Eight life terms for womanising Boland serial killer and rapist

Convicted Boland serial killer and rapist, Johan Williams will serve eight life terms behind bars for the murders and rapes of Natalie Jonkers, Maria Isaacs and Chantell Matthysen . Picture: Chevon Booysen

Convicted Boland serial killer and rapist, Johan Williams will serve eight life terms behind bars for the murders and rapes of Natalie Jonkers, Maria Isaacs and Chantell Matthysen . Picture: Chevon Booysen

Published Sep 20, 2024


The seven-year wait for justice finally came to end on Thursday for the families of the women serial killer Johan Williams had raped before taking their lives.

Relief echoed through the corridors of the Western Cape High Court when Williams was handed eight life sentences which will run concurrently.

This was met with joy from the families of Natalie Jonkers, Maria Isaacs and Chantell Matthyssen who all have longed for closure.

Judge Rosheni Allies described the 52-year-old father of nine children from different women as one who had a flagrant disregard for the law, authority of the courts and who had used his victims as objects.

At conviction earlier this year, Judge Allie said Williams’s section 220 admissions and the fact that he had pointed out the burial sites of his three murder victims provided “proof beyond reasonable doubt” that Williams was guilty.

Williams was convicted on three counts of murder; four counts of rape; three counts of attempted rape; six counts of kidnapping; housebreaking with intent to commit arson and arson; assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm; and failure to comply with a protection order.

Judge Allie shone the spotlight on Williams’s “wilful defiance” when he maintained his innocence in court where he had also, during trial, looked “particularly smug” and tormented the families of his ex-girlfriend Rozelle Beukes (née Marthinus) when she took the stand to testify against the man who had caused trauma by kidnapping her and her children and repeatedly raping her in front of the children over a number of days.

Williams lured his victims under false pretences before he murdered them and buried their bodies at farms in the Boland area.

The mother of Matthyssen – who in her victim impact statement detailed that she was traumatised by the rape and murder of her daughter and experienced difficulties boarding a train as it was her daughter’s last used mode of transport – said she was “relieved that the wait for justice was finally over”.

She said Williams’s conduct during the trial added insult to their injury.

The brother of Isaacs, Fortuin Isaacs, said the emotions during the trial bubbled to the surface when they heard he would be serving eight life terms.

“For more than six years we waited for this moment, what a relief it was. It was as if everything came to a stand still and we had stagnated during this wait.

“But now we feel we can go on with our lives, pick up the pieces and move on. The light that was at the end of the tunnel came into clear view.

The families of the three women murdered by serial killer Johan Williams outside the Western Cape High Court where he was sentenced to eight years in prison. Picture: Chevon Booysen

“The way that he tormented us during the trial with his arrogance was hurtful. He would laugh in our faces, but I told him (this) at the previous court appearance,” he said.

National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Eric Ntabazalila said they were happy with the sentence and the outcome was what the State had argued for.

Cape Times