Donate seed packs to help create sustainable home food gardens

Seed packs cost R259, which can produce up to 150kg of vegetables.

Seed packs cost R259, which can produce up to 150kg of vegetables.

Published Dec 20, 2022


Cape Town - “Give a man vegetables and you feed him for a day; empower a man to grow his own and he will feed himself and his loved ones for a lifetime.”

This is the wisdom that inspired the team at Laeveld Agrochem (LAC) to come up with their innovative AgricultSURE veggie seed packs.

Now, with Christmas around the corner, the company is taking it to the next level with the launch of their Food for Good Challenge whereby a veggie seed packet can be ordered to donate to someone, thereby introducing them to a home garden full of fresh vegetables.

The cost is R259 per seed packet, which can produce up to 150kg of vegetables.

The packs consist of seeds for eight vegetable varieties, an illustrated instruction manual, fertiliser and soil enhancement products and integrated pest management products as well as utensils to measure plant spacing.

Only summer vegetable seed packs are available at present. Winter packs will be available for order in the new year.

Laeveld Agrochem has launched their Food for Good Challenge.

Founder and main driver behind AgricultSURE, Kobus Hurter, said the vegetables produced from a seed pack were sufficient to feed a family of six for six weeks – equivalent to R2 000 worth of vegetables.

“The aim of the Food for Good Challenge is to help families grow their own vegetables and feed themselves for ‘good’; to give them something that will benefit them over time. We are challenging companies to participate, as their involvement can have a long-lasting positive impact in the areas in which their workers live,” said Hurter.

To order your seed pack, visit

Cape Times