Dedicated patroller’s killing a blow to crime fighting

Clinton Treu was shot dead in Clarkes Estate.

Clinton Treu was shot dead in Clarkes Estate.

Published Sep 10, 2024


The murder of a dedicated Elsies River community policing forum (CPF) member in a suspected hijacking at the weekend has been described as a blow to the crime-fighting sector.

Clinton Treu was shot dead in Clarkes Estate on Sunday morning.

Police spokesperson Joseph Swartbooi said officers responding to the scene of the shooting found Treu with a gunshot wound to his head and was declared dead.

“Elsies River detectives are hard at work, following up on information at their disposal, in a bid to apprehend the suspects who are responsible for killing a 49-year-old man in Kerner Street in Clarkes Estate.”

The motive for this attack now forms part of the police investigation, said Swartbooi.

Treu was part of the Community in Blue patrollers, said the CPF.

“Treu was killed in the early hours of the morning in an attempted hijacking and robbery gone wrong. Mr Treu valiantly tried to resist his attackers and unfortunately succumbed to his injuries after being shot. Treu had committed most of his free time to ensure the safety of our community.

According to Mr Joshua Jackson, the Community in Blue coordinator Mr Treu was an asset to the team, he was passionate about being part of the CIBs and according to his family Clinton was always enthusiastic to go out on patrols,” it said.

In honour of their fellow fallen crime fighter, a candle and images of Treu are the first things visitors see upon entering the Elsies River police station. Messages of condolences have been flooding in from family, friends, and colleagues.

The Matroosfontein Neighbourhood Watch said they were left in deep shock and this was a big loss.

“He was a dear friend and stalwart in not only the community of Matroosfontein but also in the broader Elsies River as Clinton served with the Community in Blue also. We will definitely miss his energy, laughter, spirit but most of all the whole person he was serving our community.”

The Western Cape Provincial Community Police Board (WCPCPB) said although he was off-duty at the time of the incident, the patroller was a steadfast guardian of the community, working tirelessly alongside others to keep the public safe from harm.

“His selfless commitment to ensuring the safety of others will not be forgotten. The WCPCPB urges the SAPS to initiate the 72-hour activation plan and exhaust all resources to bring the perpetrators to justice. We demand a thorough investigation, leaving no stone unturned, to ensure that those responsible are held accountable for this heinous crime.”

Police Oversight and Community Safety MEC Anroux Marais hailed Treu as a committed neighbourhood watch member.

Anyone with information that may lead to the arrest of the suspect can anonymously contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111 or use the MySAPS app.

Cape Times