Man gets life 12 years after murder of lover

Chelry Smith sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his lover in 2012. picture NPA

Chelry Smith sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his lover in 2012. picture NPA

Published Sep 11, 2024


Cape Town - The Director of Public Prosecutions has commended their team, the Plettenberg Bay community and vital witnesses who helped to solve a 12-year-old murder case, which resulted in a man being sentenced to life imprisonment for his lover’s death.

Chelry Smith thought he had gotten away with the perfect crime. But now, 12 years later, justice has been served for the family of Hazel Augustus.

Hazel Augustus was stabbed by her lover. Picture by NPA

The State proved that, despite the absence of DNA and witnesses, Smith stabbed Augustus on December 23 2012, a day after attending the 60th birthday celebrations of her mother.

Smith faced charges of robbery with aggravating circumstances and murder, to which he pleaded not guilty and blamed others for the incident.

National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesperson Eric Ntabazalila said the State proved beyond reasonable doubt that Smith had committed the murder and stole 33-year-old Augustus’s cellphone after being in a relationship for just one month.

Smith was sentenced to life imprisonment this week by the Knysna Regional Court, and 15 years’ direct imprisonment for robbery with aggravating circumstance.

Ntabazalila detailed that State prosecutor Aspirito White relied on circumstantial evidence, medical reports, and witnesses which linked Smith to the murder.

White also proved the contradicting reports Smith made to the witnesses after the incident, indicating he lied about his knowledge of what happened on the day.

White led six witnesses who testified that Smith and Augustus were romantically involved before her murder. He told how Smith had stabbed Augustus to death and disappeared with her cellphone, only for it to be found weeks later at his residence.

“He was the last person seen with her in the early hours of December 23, 2012 at Job’s Tavern.

“She was found dead and her cellphone missing.

“He ran away and went home to sleep without telling anyone about his attack,” Ntabazalila said.

White argued Smith’s version contained contradictions, inconsistencies and improbabilities.

Cape Argus