Elderly woman dies after being knocked down by a taxi on wrong side of the road

Sophia Isaacs, 63, was allegedly knocked down by a taxi driver on the Jakkalsvlei Bridge coming from Valhalla Drive, Kalksteenfontein, in the early hours of on Monday morning. Picture: Supplied

Sophia Isaacs, 63, was allegedly knocked down by a taxi driver on the Jakkalsvlei Bridge coming from Valhalla Drive, Kalksteenfontein, in the early hours of on Monday morning. Picture: Supplied

Published Apr 18, 2023


Cape Town - A 66-year-old taxi driver driver was arrested and detained because a 63-year-old woman was allegedly knocked down by him on the Jakkalsvlei Bridge coming from Valhalla Drive, Kalksteenfontein, in the early hours of on Monday morning.

Police spokesperson Joseph Swartbooi said Bishop Lavis police registered a culpable homicide case for further investigation.

“Bishop Lavis police responded to a complaint on Monday, April 17. Upon their arrival at Jakkalsvlei Avenue at around 8.10am they found the body of a 63-year-old female.

“Reports suggested that the victim was hit by a motor vehicle and sustained fatal injuries. The victim was declared deceased on the scene by the medical personnel,” he said.

Sophia Isaacs’s death comes just a few weeks after 88-year-old Olga Grill from the same area was mauled by her neighbour’s two pit bulls after they jumped over a makeshift boundary wall between the yards.

Bonteheuwel ward councillor Angus McKenzie said it was alleged that the taxi driver drove on the opposite side of the road when the accident occurred.

McKenzie said he consistently warned about and engaged in addressing reckless driving by taxi drivers in the morning peak, with several taxis insisting on using Bonteheuwel as a short cut to various other roads.

McKenzie said the behaviour of taxis on the roads was nothing short of disgusting and that with the perpetrator arrested, they would track this case to the end to ensure that justice was served.

“I want to thank the team from Cape Town crime and traffic as well our police and law enforcement officers for their very quick and swift reaction.

“Our deepest sympathy goes to the family and friends of the deceased. This life should never have been lost,” he said.

Cape Argus