Cape taxi association members identified for aiding jail break in Philippi East

Police are probing an incident involving forty people believed to be members of a taxi association who barged into the Philippi East station and aided the escape to two suspects. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/African News Agency

Police are probing an incident involving forty people believed to be members of a taxi association who barged into the Philippi East station and aided the escape to two suspects. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/African News Agency

Published Mar 16, 2022


Cape Town - The police are probing an incident involving 40 people – believed to be members of a taxi association – who barged into the Philippi East police station and aided the escape of two suspects.

The incident occurred just before the weekend after traffic officers arrested the driver of a Toyota Avanza taxi for producing false documentation, according to the City’s safety and security directorate.

The directorate said after notifying the owner of the Avanza about the driver’s arrest, the vehicle’s owner arrived at the police station and admitted the licence plate and disc were from a different vehicle.

He was arrested for allowing the driver to operate the vehicle with fraudulent documents.

“While officers were busy processing the suspects, the owner contacted his wife to collect their possessions. Instead, a group of about 40 taxi drivers and owners stormed the police station, gained entry and demanded both suspects be released immediately.

“When the group saw that their demands would not be met they violently grabbed the suspects and in the scuffle a traffic officer was pushed against one of the tables.”

Mayoral committee member for safety and security JP Smith condemned the shocking incident, saying one attack on an officer of the law was one too many.

“It’s a sad day when we have people coming to the aid of suspects in the manner that we witnessed in these incidents. This is the second incident of this nature in just a matter of days, the other having been the incident in Lotus River, where a mob of people prevented law enforcement officers from arresting a suspect on drug-related charges.

“Communities should not allow a few perpetrators who attack enforcement staff to empower criminals in their neighbourhoods.

“The persons who obstructed justice – goodness knows for what end – could be victims next time round, at the hands of the same individuals they helped escape.

“Fortunately, two detectives who were in the room at Philippi East police station intervened and stopped the group from attacking the officer.

“The station commander activated a 72-hour plan of action to have the suspects re-arrested,” Smith said.

The police say the group of taxi drivers is still at large.

Police spokesperson Wesley Twigg said: “A case of aiding an escape was opened for investigation.

“No suspects are under arrested.”

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Cape Argus