Before you head off on holiday, make sure your personal affairs are in order

The end of the year is around the corner, and as you daydream about your summer holiday, take some time to put your personal affairs in order before you pack your suitcase. File Image: IOL

The end of the year is around the corner, and as you daydream about your summer holiday, take some time to put your personal affairs in order before you pack your suitcase. File Image: IOL

Published Dec 24, 2021


By Rita Cool

The end of the year is around the corner, and as you daydream about your summer holiday, take some time to put your personal affairs in order before you pack your suitcase.

Although it is an unpleasant thought, the possibility exists that you could be in an accident en-route to your destination or whilst on holiday. It will be helpful to your family if you are prepared for this. Here are some boxes to tick before your departure:

  • Do you have adequate life and disability cover?

There is still time to get cover and you can also take out accidental life and lump-sum disability cover without doing medicals. Note any policy exclusions on payouts for accidents, for example driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  • Is your life file up to date?

This is where you should keep your marriage certificate, your will and any other important documents like where your bond is kept and where you have investments.

Include all your policies and information that will assist your family in the event of your death in this file. Make sure someone you trust knows where the file is.

  • Is your car insurance up to date?

Save the contact details for your insurance company on your phone so that you know who to contact in an emergency.

  • Do you have roadside assistance?

Find out how to contact them if necessary.

  • Do you have access to pick-up services?

If you are planning to stay at home and go to parties, check if your insurance policy includes pick-up services to get home after a party. If not, include these services in your festive budget.

  • Is your will in order?

It is especially important to have a will if you have minor children so that their assets are not put into the Guardian’s fund. Most financial services firms or your financial adviser can help you draw one up.

  • Are you relying on your phone for details of a contact person and your medical aid?

Although our whole lives are now on our phones, it could be difficult for people to assist you on an accident scene if you can’t talk and all your information is on your phone. At the minimum, have medical aid and a contact person’s details available so that your guardian angel can contact them to assist. Your medical aid company and number can help determine which hospital you end up after an accident and the information can save your life. Keep something similar in the car itself in case your wallet or cellphone goes missing in the accident.

  • Do your children know who to contact to assist them if something happens to you?

This is important if they are old enough to remember names and numbers.

  • Does your financial institution know if you are travelling internationally?

In this way, you can avoid having your cards cancelled for suspected fraud. Pack your vaccination certificate to ensure your country of destination allows you entry.

Being certain that your affairs are in order before departure will allow you to have a stress-free and relaxing holiday.

Rita Cool is a certified financial planner at Alexander Forbes


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