Navigating digital transformation in retail: balancing tech and industry expertise

Retailers must understand how to use the tools effectively, which is where partners like Liquid Intelligent Technologies (Liquid) come in. Picture: Gerd Altmann/Pixbabay.

Retailers must understand how to use the tools effectively, which is where partners like Liquid Intelligent Technologies (Liquid) come in. Picture: Gerd Altmann/Pixbabay.

Published 17h ago


By Boyd Chislett

South Africa’s retail sector is undergoing a rapid transformation driven by technological advancements and shifting consumer behaviour.

Advancements in cloud computing, data analytics and cellphone apps have transformed the way retailers operate, providing them with greater agility, precision and scalability.

While advanced systems like cellphone apps, data analytics and AI-driven personalisation are reshaping the customer experience, they work best when combined with industry insights and human expertise.

The integration ensures that technology is used to its fullest potential, enhancing operational efficiency and customer engagement.

Retailers must understand how to use the tools effectively, which is where partners like Liquid Intelligent Technologies (Liquid) come in.

Liquid’s extensive knowledge of the retail sector helps identify and address challenges and opportunities, enabling retailers to optimise their operations and customer interactions.

While traditional retailers might feel the pressure, the online sales sector continues to thrive.

Statista’s projection of a significant increase in e-commerce users in South Africa, from 11.7 million in 2025 to 21.25 million by 2029, is a testament to the potential for growth.

The growth is fuelled by factors such as increased smartphone accessibility, aggressive social media marketing, and the shift towards dedicated apps.

It’s a promising landscape for retailers willing to adapt

Improved connectivity and reduced data costs make online shopping more accessible, and brands launching innovative retail and banking models create customer loyalty through special offers of free products or data.

From food delivery to fintech and tailored services aimed at township audiences, convenience is a major driver for digitally savvy users.

Cellphone technology is revolutionising the customer experience

Technology is at the heart of the transformation, and retailers that fail to invest in digital transformation programmes will be left behind. Systems built for the early 2000s are no longer sufficient in today’s digital era.

Modern composite architectures that integrate cloud services and advanced technologies are giving retailers the online edge when it comes to enhancing the shopping experience, anticipating and understanding consumer behaviour, providing personalised customer experiences and optimising efficiencies. It’s all about delivering an experience that results in conversion rates and return customers.

The importance of a technology provider that understands the retail sector

A technology provider like Liquid, with a wealth of rich experience in South Africa’s retail sector, will carefully analyse the retailer’s requirements and propose advanced technology solutions suited to the case at hand.

These could include cloud integration for quick deployment and robust performance or end-to-end security managed services that protect sensitive customer and financial information.

Liquid provides direct and secure cloud on-ramps to the major hyperscalers using certified reference architectures from the hyperscalers themselves.

With the growing number of connected devices, retailers must effectively manage and optimise their digital infrastructure.

Liquid’s cutting-edge solutions help retailers enhance their operations and customer interactions, ensuring they stay ahead in an increasingly digital landscape.

Securing the digital environment

In an e-commerce environment, it is crucial to protect data and systems, from clients’ personal and financial details to the retailer’s proprietary business information.

Any touchpoint with the internet is a potential security weak point, and robust, comprehensive cybersecurity solutions ensure that the data is protected against potential threats and malicious intrusions.

By leveraging the advanced tools, businesses can maintain a competitive edge and drive their digital progress forward.

It's also important for a technology provider to remain abreast of industry trends, like AI-driven personalisation, gamification and expansion into informal markets.

Expansion aligns perfectly with Liquid’s vision of a digital future that leaves no African behind.

The growth and advancements in South Africa’s online retail sector show no sign of abating, and retailers need to be at the top of their game to stay ahead of local and global competition.

Engaging an expert technology company will enable them to focus on growing their businesses on e-commerce platforms specifically designed to meet their expansion and customer satisfaction aspirations.

Boyd Chislett, chief business officer at Liquid Intelligent Technologies, South Africa.