#MTBPS: An ode for Mboweni

South Africa’s Finance Minister Tito Mboweni. Photo: Sebastiao Moreira

South Africa’s Finance Minister Tito Mboweni. Photo: Sebastiao Moreira

Published Oct 23, 2018


JOHANNESBURG – So after all is said and done, tomorrow is the Medium-term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS). 

Lets hope that there is a earnest and frank account of the state of affairs, and that there is a glimmer of hope and a clear plan of action. 

That the plan of action is not one dimensional but multi-faceted. Let’s hope that the speech will live our hearts and minds and that it will not be along the lines of: 

Don’t cry for me, South Africa, 

The truth is, I never left you

All through my Reserve Days, my mad existence

I kept my promise 

I won’t keep my distance

To which the chorus can resound from our deep blue ocean, and over our rolling hills: 

It won’t be easy, you’ll think us strange, when we try to explain how we feel

We still need your love after all that was done

We do believe you, even if all you see is the shadow you once knew.  Wou are dressed up to the nines, and we are sixes and sevens with you. 

Did it have happen? We have to change

Mr Mboweni, God speed on your MTBPS. May God bless you and guide you – and the powers that be – to steer this great nation back to prosperity, to once again stand at its rightful place at head of Africa! Lead the way that we will be a shining example of the indominable sprit of this great people, the people of the Republic of South Africa.


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