Satawu calls Untu wage deal with Transnet ‘a betrayal’

The South African Transport and Allied Workers Union has called the United National Transport Union’s decision to accept Transnet’s wage offer disloyal’. Picture: Brenton Geach

The South African Transport and Allied Workers Union has called the United National Transport Union’s decision to accept Transnet’s wage offer disloyal’. Picture: Brenton Geach

Published Oct 18, 2022


The South African Transport and Allied Workers Union has slammed the United National Transport Union’s acceptance of the latest wage offer by Transnet as an act of betrayal

Satawu said that the three-year wage deal that Untu made with Transnet was a “betrayal of workers”, according to News24.

Satawu added that its members would continue with their strike this week.


At the bargaining council Transnet offered a 4.5% across-the-board increase in the current year, which would have been implemented from October 1, 2022. This would be followed by a 5.3% increase in the 2023/24 financial year.

The offer also included a 4.5% increase in the medical aid allowance in 2022/23, which would be adjusted in line with the across-the-board increases in the subsequent two years.

Satawu rejected the deal as it was below inflation.

The final wage offer stated that Transnet’s deal would apply retrospectively from April 1 this year to the end of March 2025.

The agreement includes a 6% increase in year one, a 5.5% increase in year two, and a 6% increase in year three.

There will also be an increase in the housing allowance.

The wage deal applies to all bargaining unit employees, including those who are not members of Untu.

It should be noted that Untu has 24 992 members, accounting for 53.9% of bargaining unit employees at Transnet.

“Transnet and the company's majority union Untu reached a three-year wage agreement today, applicable for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2025, in a process mediated by the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration (CCMA). This ends the current industrial action by Untu members with immediate effect,” the company said.

Satawu general secretary Jack Mazibuko said that “our members feel that accepting anything below inflation will be to the detriment of their livelihoods. They will accept anything above inflation.”