Power utility must act with urgency to announce new leader – Numsa

Trade union Solidarity said the wrong person had resigned, pointing fingers in the direction of politics. Picture: Bhekikhaya Mabaso.

Trade union Solidarity said the wrong person had resigned, pointing fingers in the direction of politics. Picture: Bhekikhaya Mabaso.

Published Dec 15, 2022


As the news spread that the CEO of power utility Eskom, André de Ruyter had resigned, labour unions and the South African Youth Economic Council said while his exit was expected, Eskom must act to end load shedding.

Numsa said Eskom's board must act with urgency to announce a replacement, even if on a temporary basis. The replacement must have the skills and capability to continue all efforts to reduce load shedding.

Numsa spokesperson, Phakamile Hlubi-Majola, said: “The resignation of De Ruyter is a major blow for Eskom and the efforts to address the energy crisis we are facing on an ongoing basis. While this is a blow, it is hardly surprising given the irresponsible comments by some in government and other sectors.”

“Business remains committed to working with the government in this single biggest crisis in the midst of a series of crises. We also urge President Cyril Ramaphosa to rise above the issues in the ANC and lead the country in urgently responding to this crisis.

“This exacerbates an already critical situation. We commend André for the valiant efforts he has undertaken under unbearable conditions, in the national interest. We wish him all the best,” Hlubi-Majola said.

Trade union Solidarity said the wrong person had resigned, pointing fingers in the direction of politics.

“The problem at Eskom is not the CEO’s operational will, but the government’s political will… The best person in the country can be appointed to the position but the current political dispensation makes it an impossible task for that person.

“Politicians looked for a scapegoat to hide their own incompetence and exerted untenable pressure on De Ruyter. Instead of doing the right thing, the politicians sacrificed De Ruyter for the sake of their politics,” Solidarity said.

Solidarity said De Ruyter stood on the oxygen line feeding corruption, implying that those who wanted to loot more exerted the most pressure for him to resign. Bigger corruption post De Ruyter was a real danger.

Solidarity said drastic political changes were called for. The current government and the ministers involved did not have the ability to bring about the political changes that were required.

Meanwhile, the South African Youth Economic Council said it acknowledged “with appreciation the resignation of De Ruyter.

“The resignation, in our opinion as a council, is long overdue. Under his tenure, Eskom exposed the country to extreme levels of load shedding which led to a rise in socio-economic challenges.

“As a result of the majority of businesses being compelled to close heir doors or pay additional expenses due to power uncertainty, severe load shedding is to blame for the drastic drop in our economic performance. We feel that his departure alone is not enough, hence we further call for the remaining executives to follow suit,” it said.

It further requested that the Eskom board take South Africans into their confidence and assure the country that the situation at Eskom would improve soon. We cannot afford to have blackouts in our season of festivities, as this will stifle economic activity.

“The entity’s board must put in place an interim structure while it formulates a turnaround strategy that prioritises energy security,” it said.

“As a council, we maintain that the separation of energy accounts for the crisis that we find ourselves in as a country. We appeal to the president and the entire Cabinet to reconsider the decision to separate Eskom from the energy ministry/department.

“Placing Eskom at the behest of the Department of Mineral Resources will ensure Eskom’s strategy to keep the lights on is in line with the country’s energy direction,” it said in a statement.